Let’s face it. The beauty industry has set high standards quite high. Among its beauty trends, one is hairless and has smooth legs.
To cope with that trend, most people remove their leg hair. However, after doing so, the hair grows back real quick. How annoying, right? Now you need to go through the entire leg hair removal process again.
Now, you wonder, “why does my leg hair grow so fast?” Well, you are not alone. During the shave, your skin’s surface peels off. It is the place where follicles reside. Thus, you will notice those follicles after a day or two.
Perhaps fast hair growth could be in your genetics. Whatever the reason, we will talk more about that here.
Why does my leg hair grow so fast?
It is not shaving or other hair removal methods that can make your leg hair grow so fast. Instead, you must point the finger at your genes for the regrowth and your leg hair’s texture.
For instance, women are naturally hairier than most, while others also notice faster hair growth rates. Do you have fine, light-colored leg hair? You don’t need to shave as often as women with genetically dark, thick leg hair.
Is it unattractive to have hairy legs?
Leg hair is not gross. But at some point, people might need to accept a double standard with this. Others mostly look upon women’s leg hair as unattractive and even radical. However, women should keep in mind that they don’t need to like it, and they don’t need to agree with it. However, you can ignore it at your own risk.
But the thing is, shaming anyone for what they want to do with their body hair is wrong for many reasons. One of them is that there are medical conditions that trigger excessive hair. The other is not anyone else’s business what somebody does or does not do with their hair.
Is it good to let your leg hair grow out?
Yes, it is good to just let your leg hair grow out. If you let your leg hair grow, you may find some benefits. One of them is that your body’s temperature may be more regular.
Have you ever noticed that your hair lies down when you are warm and stands up when cold? You have observed a complicated biological process. A hair’s position is a way of trapping heat to keep the body warm or releasing heat to keep the body cool.
That suggests the cold winter months are not the only time you must be tossing out your razor.
How do you stop your leg hair from growing too fast after shaving?
Irrespective of what hair removal technique you are using, there are many things you can do to stop your leg hair from growing so fast or, better yet, minimize the hair growth on the legs. Unwarranted hair on specific body areas could be caused by an overproduction of androgen—a male hormone.
As a woman ages, she may often encounter hormonal disturbances, causing an increase in androgen production. Here are a few ways to lessen the rate of your leg hair growth.
- Create a gram flour and turmeric mixture
You can use a paste composed of gram flour, curd, and turmeric to lessen the appearance of your leg hair. Combine one tablespoon of gram flour, a tablespoon of curd, and a pinch of turmeric. You can also add enough water until you reach a thick paste-like consistency.
Massage it into your legs and leave it on until it completely dries. Rinse it off with water after a few minutes. You can do that a few times a day to lessen the amount of your leg hair.
Turmeric, curd, and gram flour have depilatory-like agents, which could help slow down the rate of hair growth.
- Take some vitamin E
Vitamin E is a great antioxidant and acts as an opponent to unpleasant male hormones. It can even limit the production of such hormones altogether.
- Take palmetto supplements
Palmetto is one of the many natural herbal supplements that can significantly slow down your hair growth. That herb can be utilized to stabilize hormone imbalances and too much production of androgen.
- Use medication cream
Nowadays, a few prescription creams help lessen and cut down hair growth. These creams bring down the production of body hair in most women and stop the production of natural enzymes causing hair to grow.
- Exfoliate before shaving
Buff those legs to a smooth finish and prime them for your next waxing sesh by using an exfoliating body wash scrub. That formulation is moisturizing and renewing while supporting skin cell turnover, resulting in a healthier feeling and looking leg skin.
- Keep your skin moisturized at all times
Remember that a moisturized leg is a happy leg. In the days leading up to your waxing day, make sure you keep your skin hydrated with a body lotion. When the skin is hydrated, it enables the hair to be easily removed, as the follicles are softened thanks to a quenching body butter treatment.
Make sure to stop applying products to the skin the day of the waxing service so your hair removal process goes as flawlessly as possible.
How to reduce hair growth on legs after waxing
If you don’t want to minimize hair growth in your legs after waxing, here’s what you need to do.
- Stay away from tight clothing
Make sure you stop wearing limiting clothing that could rub against newly waxed skin and start ingrown and irritated. Skip the spandex and go with loose clothing.
- Keep the skin moisturized
Keep your legs good and moisturized after waxing by using a hydrating body lotion.
- Exfoliate a few days after waxing
We don’t suggest exfoliating after the day you wax since your skin can be a bit irritated and red. Give yourself a few days to recover and continue your buffing schedule. Also, exfoliating after waxing is a great part of how to stop ingrown hairs on the legs and other body parts. It helps with skin cell turnover and stops clogged pores.
Does shaving make your leg hair grow fast?
It may feel like it, but that’s not the case. It feels real because most people start shaving during puberty. For men, hair growth will accelerate until they are around 25. After that, it levels off, even though other changes can still occur.
The concept that shaving makes your leg hair grow faster is a myth, and the reason for the phrase, “correlation doesn’t equal causation.” It is typical for the hair growth to be increasing while you are learning to shave. But that doesn’t mean shaving causes growth.
As for leg hair, it can grow at different rates based on the person and the body area being shaped. For instance, head hair grows faster than body hair does. Therefore, your shaving regimen might be slightly different for such areas of the body.
Does shaving make your leg hair thick?
In short, no. Shaving can offer the look of thicker hair, but shaving doesn’t raise the size or number of the hair follicles in the skin. If the sizes and number of the hair follicles don’t increase, hair density can’t increase.
Alternatives of shaving to ensure leg hair doesn’t grow too fast
Shaving might be the pillar of hair removal because it is simple and quick, but other forms of cleaning cause hair to grow back more slowly in comparison.
- Waxing
Waxing is the most typical alternative, especially now that more efficient home waxing kits are available. Shaving your legs lasts for a few days, but waxing keeps the gams tooth for at least two weeks, not to mention it causes thinner hair growth.
- Depilatory creams
Depilatory creams, whether off the drugstore shelf or prescribed, efficiently slow hair growth, unlike shaving.
Home epilators that pull hair mechanically out from the roots can leave your legs hairless for at least four weeks. With continuous, long-term use, such devices also cause the hair to grow more finely.
- Laser hair removal
As an even long-term method—even though one that comes at a massive cost in the thousands of dollars—laser hair removal slowly destroys the hair. With every visit, it helps lessen growth by at least ten percent to twenty-five percent.
Remember that having leg hair that grows much faster than normal is an annoying experience for anyone suffering from now. Now that we have covered and answered your question, “why does my leg hair grow so fast,” hopefully, we can put everything to rest.
The sooner you accept the facts, the sooner you can concentrate your attention on choosing which solutions you will go with.
We hope you find this guide informative and helpful at the same time. Start your journey to hair-free, soft and smooth legs that you can show off year-round!
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